China South and Guangzhou Travel Reference Map 1st Ed/2nd Ed. 2015 1:3,000,000/1:5,000 ISBN 9781553411659 UPS 815534116512 $11.95cdn/us E7.95 6.99GBP – China, as a country, is very popular with travellers. However, China is also a very large geographical entity and showing the entire country on one map results in a scale that reduces the amount of information that can be shown. The most visited part of the country is the south, with rapid train access from Hong Kong and major airports at Guangzhou and Shanghai. Travel to China is also increasing as more international airports are opened. The regional map covers one side of this double-sided map; the other contains an updated map of Guangzhou (formerly Canton). Lan and I visited this city in February and were surprised at how open and modern the city is. In comparison with Beijing, the political overtones are much reduced, and Sun Yat Sen is the hero. The city is also a major train hub, with two major stations handling traffic, and six bus stations arranging transportation to nearby cities.
Map size: 27*39”
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