Honolulu/Waikiki is a brand new map for ITMB, and our first new title for a part of the USA this year. Almost everyone flying to Hawaii goes to Honolulu, and the vast majority stay in hotels located close to Waikiki Beach. This is quite a comprehensive city plan map for the Honolulu urban area, stretching from east of Diamond Head to the international airport. It also includes a large inset of the Pearl Harbour area, with its many memorials to the ships sunk during the surprise Japanese attack on December 6, 1941. Ford Island is still a major US military base. Our Top Attractions list shows the highlights of touristic interest. The second side is a newly-updated version of our map of the island of Oahu. Although the focus of this map is on Honolulu, most visitors include day trips to outlying areas of the island. There are numerous coves where one can enjoy a reasonably isolated experience, and attractions such as the Dole Pineapple Farm to enjoy. It is not possible to drive all the way along the coast. Waimea Bay offers the best ‘big wave’ surfing. A very popular activity is to climb to the rim of Diamond Head volcano.
Map size: 27*39"
This map is also available in digital format and flat map for $39.95 (per side). Please contact map@itmb.com if you would want to place an order or for more information.
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