The American state of Hawaii can only sensibly be mapped either as separate islands or as an entity using a series of insets, due to the distances between the islands. We have previously published the major islands as separate entities, but the state as an entity has also proven to be very popular. This updated version on waterproof paper shows each major island in excellent detail. Side 1 covers Oahu, Maui, Lanai, and Kaho’Olawe at scales of approximately 1:100,000 each. Side 2 covers Big Island, Kauai, Molokai, and Ni’ihau at scales between 1:120,000 and 1:300,000. For each island, we have striven to create detailed artwork showing each one to best advantage., with double lines between each island to cut out intervening ocean. The back cover serves as an inset showing all the islands in relation to each other. Naturally, all touristic sites are included, as well as major accommodation centres
Map size: 27*39"
This map is also available in digital format and flat map for $39.95 (per side). Please contact if you would want to place an order or for more information.
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here to have an overview of the map