This latest edition of our popular regional map of the Cuzco area(scale 1:110,000) and of all of southern Peru (scale 1:1,500,000) has a new cover picture and updated road information. The famous Inca Trail is shown in detail with excellent inset maps of Machu Picchu(schema), Inca TRail-scale 1:50,000 as is the latest imaage of Machi Picchu, which is still being uncovered through archaeological digs and Lima-scale 1:13,500 to assist visitors. AS with previous versions, the rest of side A consists of a detailed street plan of Cuzco itself, and the reverse side shows all of southern Peru from north of Lima to La Paz in Bolivia. The new road to Brazil is also shown, but we're really not sure how drivable it is. Now, one map will cover all the routes to Cuzco.
Map size: 27*39"
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here to have an overview of the map