This most recent edition of our popular San Francisco and region map arrives just at the start of the summer season. Sans Francisco must be one of the most interesting and livable cities in America; certainly a great favorite of mine. The entire city is shown in great detail, along with one of the special features of ITM maps the entire rapid transit system. The road network, with one-way streets is clearly shown, and as many touristic attractions as we could fit without over-crowding. The regional map covering the road network from Bakersfield north to the Oregon border has also been updated, comprising the touristic highlights : Yosemite, Death Valley, Kings Canyon, Sequoia, Redwood, Lassen National Parks, State Parks and National Forests. The map is printed on durable plastic paper with complete index of all cities and towns in the map.
(Map Insets)
* a map of San Francisco Bay region including access roads
* a map of Bay Area Rapid Transit System
This map is also available in digital format
Please click
here to have an overview of the map